 President: P Bennett
 Secretary: N McKinven
 Vice President: J-R McRoberts
 Treasurer: N McKinven
 Committee: C Chadwick, I Jimenez, J Blackburn, Ms. J McRoberts, S Dunleavy, S Pearson
 Patrons: P and M Sela
 Registrars: S Dale
 Equipment Officers: I Jimenez, N McKinven, S McCure
 Handicappers: A Guevara, N McKinven
 Trophy Officer: N McKinven
 Results: J Blackburn, N McKinven, R Wales
 Publicity and Media: J Blackburn
 Contact us on
 Membership, coaching or general enquiries about the club.
Articles for the newsletter, to send in results, to join newsletter mailing list.